Neethu's Global Book Club











Members of the Book Club that I'd organised in my home town interviewed me about the activities. I thought of clipping a copy of it to this site.


The Book Club started with me and three other teachers who loved reading books....


Book Club Board: Where did you get your ideas?

Neethu Nandavar: Initially the ideas came from four little students who didn't have anything to do during the summer vacations. I gave the group a couple of my books to read and got them discussing their books with each other. Later five more kids joined us and I saw my library being put to good use. Later I joined with three more of my colleagues who helped me get this club ready for you.


Book Club Board: Was it easy work once you got it started?


Neethu Nandavar: I won't say it was a tough job and nor will I say we could float through it easily. Everything we did was result of thoughtful planning and hard work. Small failures too were a part of the game. But didn't we overcome them?


Book Club Board: Which was the first book you started with?


Neethu Nandavar: I started with Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens) and Gulliver's Travels (Jonnathan Swift) The books provided a lot of food for thought and so I should say it was fruitful reading.


Book Club Board: Have the programmes been carried out well the way you had planned them to be?


Neethu Nandavar: Well, the students and teachers in the Book Club Board have done a great job so far. But you know as reading is something that can't be done with at some point, and the supply of books in the world is inexhaustible, so would the programmes in the Book Club be in the future.


Book Club Board: What are your aspirations now that you plan to turn the Club into a Global one?


Neethu Nandavar: I'm eagerly looking forward to successfully making it a Global Club. Meeting people from all over the world, reading books with them and having a global discussion makes me pretty excited. Soon I look forward to put the hometown club on the net too.