Journal entries will be made once the books
will be chosen for the Book Club activities; that will be after the 5th of June 2005.
Journal entries you feed into this web page
should help other classes or individuals to understand your sentiments and understanding of the book that is being collectively
In your journal entries, you can discuss
anything that interests you about the material you are reading
(a character you despise, a scene that you found particularly
moving, a setting that was described in extraordinary detail,
There is no set limit on how long your entries
have to be. Yet keep in mind, these journals will constitute major portion of your mark for this unit. And you’ll be
sharing your notions with people from different parts of the world who are simultaneously reading the book with you. All I
ask is that you think carefully about what you rewriting, and be sure to give me complete answers. This means that you will
have to explain in detail your thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions
You can post a response journal as a class,
as a teacher or as an individual. Responses to a book vary from person to person and from country to country. Lets share
in the realisation of what meaning a book could hold for you.
If someone other than me has written an article,
I'll be sure to include a byline at the bottom.
Log back in on June 5th ..... Waiting to have
you share your views and felings with us.
Neethu Nandavar